The Alchemy of Transformation


Witnessing is the Alchemy of Enlightenment.

The alchemist is the bridge between the worlds. Alchemy is about integration. You must look inside to heal the inner conflict—the duality in your mind. You do this by strengthening the opposites, where the two become one. If you enhance the bridge between the two, alchemy ensues—you become integrated. For this to happen, you must bring all of you into your body and embody opposites. Often, this is the reason opposites are attracted to each other, so they can reflect to the other what needs to be experienced, balanced, integrated, and made whole again.

When you drop your mind's “what-if” activity by opening your heart, you allow your true Self to expand. You must let go of the past with detachment and say “Yes” to the process. Transformation is saying YES to the process. This YES is discovered by those who dare to open their hearts to the totality of life. You need to become receptive, and you need to become a witness. You must learn to listen, to enter the “Temple of God” inside your heart. Self-consciousness inhibits your capacity to listen. You can’t be worried about what someone thinks of you. Listening means forgetting yourself. Grace can reach you when you are receptive; receptivity is feminine. When you become “Yin,” receptive, the door suddenly opens—the aggressive, busy, dualistic mind excludes receptivity. Receptivity has no expectations or demands; it is gratitude for whatever appears on the doorstep. Listening causes obstacles to dissolve.

There is no separation experiencing the whole when you exist in silence.

To enter into the silence, you must have no regard for maintaining your “perceived” character. Spontaneity (innocence) is required for your mind to be peaceful. Sometimes, it is helpful to imagine a time when you were happy or to take a journey to discover something new, something that you have never seen before. For example, it makes me smile to witness someone play in the snow for the first time—they are hilariously happy.

Only when you experience inner peace can your deepest being show you where to go right now. You will achieve your soul's purpose when you are calm and accept your inner guidance. You must develop a trusting relationship with your authentic higher self, your divinity. Only when you move forward, from the center of your being, your inner guide, will you feel whole and more integrated. Follow the light; it will take you where you need to go. Yes, sometimes the light will need to shine in the darkness. You can trust that the darkness cannot extinguish even the smallest flickering flame; even a pinhole of light illuminates the darkest cavern in your heart.

You keep looking outside because you don’t know your inner guide.

Authenticity supports your rising to a higher level of awareness. Keep clearing your mind, dying to the past. As you do so, remember that which is your soul can’t be taken. So, there is no need to fear losing what cannot be taken. Let the Universe support you in trusting. Your actions may appear foolish to others, sometimes even to yourself. And that is when you must choose whether or not you are willing to be “the fool.” For example, I remember when India called me, “Come to India.” In my heart, there was no doubt that India was calling me! (So that you know, India was not on my Richter scale. I never once thought about going to India.) The call was crystal clear, so I said, “YES. I’ll go.” The rest is history.

When you are called by your heart, you can take advantage of the opportunity or not. I chose to become the fool: This was no small challenge for me, and it may not be for you, either. Being called requires you to stop analyzing with the rational mind and follow your heart. Many people may not understand you; they may even think you are crazy or try to stop you. The journey of the heart takes great wisdom, courage, and strength. You must know that wisdom does not originate in your mind; it flows from your heart. Know that when you find yourself, the wisdom you are given is beautiful—it will be perfect for you, and you can ALWAYS trust it.

Trust and innocence will guide you via awareness.

You will arrive at a higher level of awareness by awareness. When the mind is stuck in past memories (conscious or unconscious) and future projections, it holds you captive. Yes, what you choose to believe does make a difference. If you believe a lie, that has a different effect than believing the truth. You see, it is the truth that sets you free. For example, you are beautiful: No matter what the commercials say about you, “You are beautiful.” Your willpower will be lifted via awareness; whenever there is inner or outer conflict, you need more awareness, not less awareness. Sometimes, this process happens quickly. Sometimes, it is arduous and painful. Remember to ask for grace; when you do, you will be helped ALWAYS. You are not alone. Allow yourself to sink into awareness until it becomes effortless; the key is to keep falling into awareness by awareness.

It’s not just an answer, and you are done. Always be open to change. Carl Jung, in Answer to Job, reminds us, “The encounter between conscious and unconscious has to ensure that the light which shines in the darkness is not only comprehended by the darkness but comprehends it…”It has a thousand names," say the alchemists, meaning that the source from which the individuation process rises and the goal toward which it aims is nameless, ineffable.”


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