Tarasa’s Blog
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I will share my insights to support you creatively and simply “Leading With Multidimensional Consciousness” to heal the Earth and humanity by creating a compassionate world community rooted in unity consciousness.
A True Leader
The 2022 national mid-term elections finished a week ago. While we are waiting for the full election results it seems appropriate that we might benefit from contemplating, “What is a true leader.” Personally, I expected the status quo; more lying, stealing and cheating. After all it is common sense that when you don’t correct a problem, the result is not going to be different. It is a basic tenet of growth and change, that if you want a different result, you must try something new. Since the nation has not come to terms with the stolen 2020 elections, and some still don’t even know there was a problem; it’s reasonable to not expect a different result.
You are the One
We spend a lot of our lives looking for role models, mentors, teachers, and gurus to guide us on our path. There is nothing wrong with this and, in fact, finding the right person at the right time can shorten the learning curve on some of life’s lessons. However, it is important to realize that in the absence of such a person, we can very soundly rely upon ourselves. We carry within us everything we need to know to make progress on our paths to enlightenment. The outer world serves as a mirror. Or to use another metaphor, our inner world has a magnetic force that draws to us what we need to evolve to the next level. All we need to do to see that we already have everything we need …
The Apple That Eve Bit
The Apple that Eve took the acclaimed bite out of holds the key to the Wisdom of the Cosmos. ‘Eating’ of the LIGHT of this truth or wisdom empowers us. We discover we aren’t a victim of pandemics, or lies of the mainstream media or psychopaths, but rather we are integral parts of nature and we were born to thrive. We have the capacity to move our awareness into greater streams of cosmic consciousness, into our inherent divinity. We are not just physical beings, and we are certainly not victims to those in power within our world who believe that they can control us as they try to undermine our sovereignty. We are not kept small within the matrix of robotically living a linear life as slaves, handing our power and dignity to others. Instead we shift into being creators and designers with and of life itself; we rise to love—Love is sovereign.
“My Sweet Lord”
After years of giving and receiving spiritual direction, it has become clear to me that most people’s image of God is initially a compilation of the people in their lives. If our parents and teachers were cold and withdrawn, we will assume that God is cold and withdrawn too. No conscious person wants to believe in a God like that. For example, if you believe that God is judgmental you will act like he’s judgmental: You will then spend much of your life submitting to a judgmental God, or angrily reacting against it. You may have realized that when a person is judgmental they are also punitive?
Most childhood conditioning leaves a person with empty limited religious concepts of God…
Leading From Truth Requires Great Courage
Sometimes to fully understand a phenomenon like courage, we have to examine what it means not to have it. So, I am going to tell a story of a famous leader, named Peter, who lacked courage.
The story begins when Jesus is celebrating his last Passover meal with the apostles. He predicted, “You will all fall away because of me this night. For it is written, ‘I will strike the shepherd, and the sheep of the flock will be scattered.” Additionally, he told Peter that
The Alchemy of Transformation
Alchemy is about integration. You must look inside to heal the inner conflict—the duality. You do this by strengthening the opposites; where the two become one. If you strengthen the bridge between the two; alchemy happens, you become integrated. The alchemist is the bridge between the worlds. You must bring all of you into your body; you must embody opposites. This is the reason opposites are attracted to each other; so they can reflect to the other what needs to be experienced—integrated.
When you drop the “what-if” activity of your mind by opening your heart, you allow your true self to expand. You must let it go of the past with detachment and say, “Yes,” to the process.
The Gift of Divine Love
“Many people may doubt that finding God is the purpose of life; but everyone can accept the idea that the purpose of life is to find happiness. I say that God is Happiness. He is Bliss. He is Love. He is Joy that will never go away from your soul. So why shouldn’t you try to acquire that