Tarasa is an Alchemist for Spiritual Awakening


“Alchemy is the ancient, magical science of uniting the above and below in order to transmute and transform our lives and our world.”


Rev. Dr. Tarasa B. Lovick

Like many lost souls, I spent years in therapy searching for someone to listen to me. Most people never listen. Ultimately, my pilgrimage gave me the exquisite gift of deep listening. Turns out that I was the person who learned to listen to me. What I realized is that we must learn to listen to our own souls: Listening is where love begins.

First, we learn to love ourselves; then we learn to love our neighbors, then we learn to love our enemies (sometimes our neighbors are our enemies), and in the fullness of time we learn to love God. Discovering our beloved is the evolution of consciousness, compassion and Oneness. No matter where your personal journey takes you, to discover the inner path of love, wisdom and power, you must dive into the depths of your heart.


It takes great resolve and courage being peaceful human beings and compassionate enlightened world leaders.

“Silence is the gateway to the depth of your being.”


A principal question I ask is, “What can I do to be a proper vessel through which love can flow into the world?” For you, your heart will direct the next perfect step on your journey toward wholeness (holiness) and enLIGHTenment. The heart understands: your heart knows everything, and when it calls you, it will guide you to love from your soul.

Listening is a huge responsibility. Deeply listening, you discover the voice that doesn’t use words; silence. Silence is the infinite opportunity to expand your heart and transform. Your heart knows the truth. If you want to know the truth, listen to your heart.

Once we know and trust our capacity to create miracles, we will experience the effortless flow of harmony, joy, and happiness in our own lives. People’s happiness nourishes the World's Soul. So, when challenging times arrive (and they will), we will have the resolve and courage to be loving and compassionate human beings. The job of world leaders is to enlighten the world by loving it, starting with themselves. Their task is not to slay the dragon, within or without, but to affirm the deepest truth about it: that we are all one.

Connectedness is the natural state of being.


As a spiritual alchemist, any knowledge that I may pass on is to make you thirsty: Knowledge is not wisdom or truth—consciousness is. My calling is to inspire your multidimensional expansion from the inside out. You are roused to discover God for yourself: living in conscious awareness you will discover your innermost being, divine self. Awareness melts fear like a snowflake held in your hand. Freedom without fear is benediction. Freedom releases you to take responsibility for your choices—it allows you to see your “choices.”

Of course, the whole notion of choices itself is a paradox.

A Spiritual Alchemist is a person who transforms everything with love. For it is love that supports unlocking the secrets that will point precisely to how you are meant to transform, and how you can be an agent of transformation for our world in this sacred lifetime.

With a JOYful heart,
