Are You Ready to Evolve?


“Forgiveness is a topic that is relevant to every person who has ever lived. We all need forgiveness and we all need to give forgiveness.”


Albert Einstein was correct, “The world as we have created it is a process of our thinking. It cannot be changed without changing our thinking.

Evolution requires making new choices. If you are miserable, the prerequisite to liberation is to decide that you truly don’t want to suffer any longer. If you are ready to expand your consciousness, to begin with, you must be willing to take responsibility for what thoughts you dwell on. You can’t control what thoughts come to your mind, but you can decide what you do with them. And you can learn to drop into your heart center.

A great place to start changing your thinking is by thanking God for the blessings in your life; focus on the positive things in your life. Gratitude supplants toxic emotions that some people choose to hold onto. Yes, not letting go of toxic emotions is a choice. Let’s face it, we’ve all been hurt by circumstances and people in both big and small ways. Carrying negative emotions creates stress in your mind, body, and soul.

If you truly want to evolve, one of the biggest gifts you can give yourself is choosing to forgive.

Forgiveness is powerful, allowing you to release stored-up negative emotions. You simply decide to forgive—you change your thinking. Then see how God’s grace changes your heart. When your heart is open, grace can come in and transform you: you experience self-compassion. Ultimately, you experience compassion for the other.

Living, you can count on instances where there are going to be people who betray your trust, lie to you, cheat on you, insult you…steal from you. We are all human. We all hurt each other, ourselves, and God—both consciously or unconsciously. The choice is to forgive and experience compassion, or to hold onto the anger, rage, resentment, and bitterness.

Forgiveness is the merciful grace that will miraculously transform you.

The other part of choosing forgiveness is being quick to forgive in the future. People are going to disappoint you, hurt you, offend you. Be quick to let go. I offer a Master Forgiveness Course that can deeply impact your life if negative emotions get in your way of freedom. Lack of forgiveness will prevent you from advancing on your spiritual journey. Now is the time to forgive. It does so much for you mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Holding onto negative emotions—hurts you, and you can choose to let them go. The last words attributed to Jesus on the cross, for those who crucified him, “Father, forgive them for they know not what they do.” More widely, of course, the plea was for all humanity.