Leading From Truth Requires Great Courage


Part 2

“The opposite of courage is not cowardice, it is conformity. Even a dead fish can go with the flow.” ~Jim Hightower

Sometimes, to fully understand a phenomenon like courage, we have to examine what it means not to have it. So, I will tell the story of Peter a famous leader who lacked courage.

The story begins when Jesus celebrates his last Passover meal with the apostles. He predicted, “You will all fall away because of me this night. For it is written, ‘I will strike the shepherd, and the sheep of the flock will be scattered.” Additionally, he told Peter that Satan had demanded to have him, that he might sift him like wheat. But, we are told that Jesus prayed for Peter that his faith might not fail him. To which Peter brazenly replied, “Lord, I am ready to go with you both to prison and to death”. Peter was absolutely sincere. Then, Jesus told Peter that he would deny that he knew him, three times before the rooster crowed in the morning.

After celebrating the feast together (Jesus’ last supper), he took his disciples to the Mount of Olives. Jesus clearly instructed them to stay awake and pray, so that they wouldn’t enter into temptation. He went off to pray alone. And, when he returned, they were sleeping. A second time, Jesus specifically warned Peter to stay awake and pray, because although his spirit might be willing, his flesh was weak. But Peter fell asleep again. We are irrefutable told that, “[Jesus] found them sleeping for sorrow.”

The disciples were overcome with sorrow watching Jesus pray in agony.

Then, we find Judas kissing Jesus, so the soldiers know who to arrest. The story continues with Peter following Jesus at a distance after they arrest Jesus. In Luke, we find Peter warming himself at the fire in the courtyard of Caiaphas, who was trying Jesus: we might call it the enemy's fire. At this point, Peter was worn down and vulnerable. Matthew's Gospel tells us that Peter sat with the servants to see the end. He was resigned to the fate of Jesus.

So, Peter was sitting there.

Significantly, King David in the first Psalm says, "Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor stands in the path of sinners, nor sits in the seat of the scornful." Notice the progression of the words in this Psalm. First, there is walking. Second, there is standing. And finally, there is sitting. This Psalm tells us that when we fail, it often begins with a series of steps. And when we hang around with the wrong people in the wrong places, at the wrong time, we will end up doing the wrong thing.

Several issues contributed to Peter's denying Jesus. Probably, the most important factor was lack of faith (lack of connection to the Divine). Perhaps that’s why Jesus said that he prayed for Peter's faith not to fail. Faith is a gift that comes from God. No doubt Peter’s failure to appropriate the only means to strengthen his own weaknesses; prayer, occurred to him later.

Peter’s denial teaches that lack of faith highlights at least two main reasons for conformity: weakness and fear.

Peter’s denial was based partially on the weakness of human frailty. The nature of Peter’s three denials increases in intensity each time to emphasize his lack of faith. Imagine Peter, sitting in the crowd around the fire, (he had already denied Jesus twice), swearing to the crowd, “You are crazy. I do not follow that man.” Immediately the rooster crowed. “And the Lord turned and looked at Peter.” He just betrayed himself, and God. When Jesus looked Peter in the eyes, I imagine he felt Peter’s immense sorrow; feeling is compassion. The rooster crowing must have haunted Peter for many years.

A second reason for Peter’s denial was fear. To his credit, although all the others had fled, Peter cowered at a distance so he wouldn’t be identified with Jesus after the arrest. No question fear seized him. From the crowded courtyard, he watched Jesus being falsely accused and persecuted. The world hated Jesus, and Peter was not prepared to face the ridicule and persecution that Jesus was suffering. Earlier, Jesus had warned the disciples (and therefore us), “If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first.” Peter found he wasn’t nearly as courageous as he had proclaimed, and in fear, he denied the One who had loved him.

In this story we see that Peter’s actions are interwoven with Jesus’ trial, thus contrasting true confessions with false ones. Furthermore, Peter’s actions are first described at the beginning of the trial, making this a narrative of separate issues that are connected. Jesus’ prediction meant that Peter had opportunities all night to validate his claim to Jesus, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” When Jesus’ mock trial ended, Peter lost his opportunity to defend Jesus as he swore he would. There is a point where it becomes too late to make a different decision.

Peter lied: he denied Jesus. People lie. What would you have done?

You might wonder why Jesus would allow Peter to fail so sorrowfully that night. Jesus could have easily protected Peter, but he was equipping Peter to strengthen his brothers. Jesus told Peter (before he lied), “And when you have turned again, strengthen your brothers.” Later, we see in Acts 2, that Peter became the pillar of the early church in Jerusalem. He boldly addresses a huge crowd of Jews from every nation. Moreover, Peter’s epistles continue to strengthen us today. As with all our failures, God used Peter’s failures, to turn him from Simon, a common man, into Peter, the Rock.

Past failures can be scars, propelling us to greater devotion and stricter loyalty to our faith.

Peter presumed that his faith would never fail and that he would follow Jesus even to death. What’s more, he said this after Jesus just warned him to be on watch; twice. Peter’s arrogance was a massive presumption about his ability to follow Jesus in his power. We are in great spiritual danger when we think we are beyond our ability to fail. God is never impressed with our human swagger. But, even though he knows we will fail, he does not stop loving us, or using us to further the message of Love.

Peter was constantly benefiting from the immense grace and wisdom of his master: but still, he lacked courage.

We often see this kind of presumption that Peter displayed in a naturally gifted person who finds it hard to listen to their mentor. Sadly, those people who refuse to learn from the wisdom of others (and history) often don’t develop the understanding needed to transform to higher levels of consciousness and compassion. Perceived natural ability can be a disadvantage, especially in spiritual matters of consciousness.

Today, the unilateral censorship of different viewpoints from big government, big pharma, and big tech, ought to be a clue for you to at least inquire what is really happening.

You can see that you are being sold one narrative. Why? Intelligent people aren’t afraid of the right knowledge, they can critically think. Intelligent leaders understand that the root of censorship and complicity is lies. Today, it’s obvious that we are being lied to—the tyrants are not trying to hide it. Follow the money, and patents, and look inside your heart to discern the truth.

Fear stops you from questioning, “Is that true?”

Where do you begin your inquiry? You could start by understanding the Emergency Use Authorization (EUA). The EUA was invoked to release the experimental shots being forced on the world. You should know that the EUA must be renewed every 90 days. There is no COVID emergency, and there never has been one. Yes, millions of those who sadly died could have been saved if tyrants did not prevent the use of safe, available, and affordable therapeutics. The HHS “emergency” is declared so tyrants can rake in multi-trillions of dollars from experiential shots (not vaccines).

Tyrants have been planning this for years. 

By definition, global experimental shot trials cannot be labeled safe or effective. There is massive evidence that COVID shots DON’T WORK, and not only that, there is massive evidence of millions of deaths and serious injuries: experimental shots are NOT SAFE. Moreover, there are no long-term studies: Fauci, the corrupt “scientist,” politicians, and bureaucrats don’t know what will happen to billions of people in 6 months, a year, or a decade. The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is using unbridled power to control the EUA to strengthen bio-surveillance capacity. Tax dollars are paying for security countermeasures that have nothing to do with public safety. The HHS is corrupt. 

The truth may cause you to have cognitive dissonance. But it’s better to face reality now than find out later, that your complicity allowed worldwide genocide. 

Have you ever listened to John Lennon’s song, “Imagine all the people living life in peace…and the world will be as one.” Jesus and Lennon, both envisioned a world where all people live in peace: Peace is only possible if all of humanity lives in liberty.

Let’s look at some oaths leaders take: and see how they contribute to chaos and fear, not liberty.

Imagine doctors who take the Hippocratic oath, “to do no harm.” Ask yourself, “What kind of doctor complies with injecting pregnant women with experimental gene therapy shots causing massive spontaneous miscarriages?” This is definitely against the Nuremberg Code and The Revised Hippocratic Oath. Now all ten principles of the Nuremberg Code are being violated.

The plaque of scientific and academic corruption won’t end unless or until scholars, scientists and doctors honor their professional oaths and obligations. 

Now, imagine the journalist who vows to seek the truth, no matter where it leads. But, he parrots and makes narratives based on premeditated LYING. The truth is that the media is bought and paid for; censorship controls the FEAR narrative: (this is the real reason Fauci and other political pundits refuse to debate the real doctors and scientists). Why? The lies are to convince you that the experimental shots are approved, safe, and necessary. Now, the tyrants are making experimental shots mandatory: meanwhile, the tyrants get obscenely richer, while millions die. 

They have created a new system of prejudice that obliterates your liberty.

Science and the Constitution are not deciding—LIE’s are. For example, college youth, who have little risk from COVID, are being segregated if they say no thank you to the experimental COVID shots. Ignorant academic “leaders” make it impossible to enjoy a healthy robust college experience. In other words, they are legally being allowed to punish youth to control them. In their ignorance, with no science or wisdom; they punish college youth. If you take a religious exemption from the COVID experimental shot, you have to take a toxic PCR test that never worked to participate in normal college activities. Moreover, you are excluded from typical activities like eating with your peers: you must grab your food and go eat by yourself somewhere, anywhere but with your peers. [To all of you ignorant and arrogant “persons” controlling our children and youth—Karma is real! You are held accountable.]

Symptoms are not used to guide COVID testing; fear is.

If you don’t submit, colleges and employers can expel you. Meanwhile, the CCD acknowledges that the PCR test has never worked. Science and academics must be moved back to their original roots where everyone qualified has a voice and contributes to the discussion. EVERYONE. This is especially true when it comes to authorizing the use of experimental shots by the FDA where officials are NOT elected.

Now, imagine social media giants violating the First Amendment by censoring anyone who doesn’t support the official corona virus narrative. For example, social media shut down all discourse that questioned the source of  COVID; it called anyone who asked about gain of function research, a conspiracy theorist; and worse. But, now we know the true origins of COVID, and that it was intentionally engineered as a bio-weapon. However, it seems, initially at least, that the courts are complicit that social media does not have to abide by the first amendment.

If they can get away with censoring the standing President of the United States: they can censor you.

Now, imagine the head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) swearing, “I, Dr. Anthony Fauci, do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.” According to Article VI, the Constitution provides that all non-elected federal employees must take the oath to protect the Constitution

Fauci controls who gets published and who doesn’t; who gets money for research and who doesn’t; what public policies are implemented, such as mask mandates, and which ones are not. None of his work is based on the right knowledge or science. For example, Fauci knowingly lied to Congress about the gain of function research (that tax dollars funded), and he censored the facts about safe early effective treatments for COVID, (causing millions of unnecessary deaths). Public health has been sold out for profit. For almost four decades, Fauci has allocated trillions of tax dollars in an incestuous relationship with big tech, big pharma (the 1986 law that doesn’t hold them accountable needs to be reversed), and government.

We need to remove Fauci and prevent another Fauci from rising again.

Now, imagine every judge in the nation swearing to uphold the Judicial Oath. “I, _____, do solemnly swear that I will administer justice without respect to persons, and do equal right to the poor and the rich and that I will faithfully and impartially discharge and perform all the duties incumbent upon me as _____ under the Constitution and laws of the United States. So help me God.” Yet, these judges refused to consider massive voter fraud evidence. And even more poignant, corrupt judges are complicit in denying the First Amendment of the United States Constitution. Furthermore, the DOJ declared COVID “vaccine” mandates legal. Claiming that “Federal law doesn’t prohibit public agencies, private business from requiring vaccine.”

The EUA is being used to remove your sovereign right as a citizen to live in liberty.

Finally, imagine Biden repeating the presidential oath. “I, “Joe Biden,” do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States. So help me God” What is Biden doing? He is reversing countless policies that protect the citizens of this great country. For example, Biden is allowing millions of illegal criminals and immigrants to cross our borders; including those who test positive for COVID. Meanwhile non-symptomatic college youth are forced to get routinely tested or be expelled. Biden is releasing COVID positive aliens in your communities with absolutely no regard for legal US Citizens safety!

Biden is grievously overstepping his power against all of the 10 Nuremberg principles. 

What will the Americans who took these oaths do upon realizing the chaos, destruction, and murder they are complicit with? Will they experience enormous sorrow? What about all of the people who believed the tyrants’ prolific lies that fill American’s minds with noise; especially our children and youth? The mental noise severs a person’s relationship with the divine: it inhibits a connection to God. Will Americans turn to God like Peter, or away from God like Judas or Hilter?

God resides within the silence of each human heart. The untrained noisy mind will play many tricks on you to keep you from the source of silence—it prevents you from seeing the truth.

Nothing shallow or superficial will take “leaders” to enlightenment. But, when you have faith in the divine, like Peter acquired, you can sit in the driver’s seat, looking into the eyes of the enemy. You can transform your fear by understanding how it took you over in the first place. The divine will raise you out of every fear, but you must prepare yourself with prayer and meditation. 

Peter’s story shows us that times of great sorrow potentially offer the opportunity for great transformation. But in order for transformation to occur you must go deep, to the taproot of the pain, and experience it as it is. At the heart of your being, there exists an overwhelming YES to existence. This “yes” to existence, is found only by embracing the reality of sorrow and going beyond it, to gratitude. Opening to sorrow is sacred work that connects us with everyone, everywhere.

We discover this as we realize that we are all ONE, we are all connected.

Wisdom knew that we needed to see the leader of a new humanity deny the Lord and be transformed. Peter’s lie is a wake-up call for all of us. When we experience pain or sorrow, we are not being punished or put in our place; that is what the lust for money and power does. God does not experience lust. So this is not what the story is about. 

So, what is the story about?

Think about what happens when you get a wound on your body. Maybe you broke your arm. Do you keep doing what you were doing before you broke your arm? No. You pay attention to the pain and seek medical services. Likewise, when some painful event happens in your life, then there is a possibility that it will get your attention. When your arm breaks, the pain makes you more aware. These times in life are possibilities for you to become enlightened.

It is the sorrow that triggers you to look deeply into your heart, seeking to find relief from the darkness. The cause of your sorrow doesn’t matter. Whatever it is, it is a gift from the divine for you to look deeper into you. You have an opportunity to get out of your ego, and into the One within your heart. 

Your head can’t experience being one with God; only your heart can do that.

You can’t know that you are eternity in your head; only the heart can do that. Sitting with sorrow at the source, the energy moves into consciousness and compassion. It is in your heart that you will discover your potential. It is in your heart that you will find the courage to stand and speak. Spiritual sorrow is an opportunity to direct you to the source inside you so you can experience your divinity, your sovereignty.

Every time before we start praying, what do we do? 

We get centered by taking conscious breaths and focusing on our heart center. What do we do this for? We consciously breathe to make the connection stronger with God in our hearts. When we connect to our source, we have a vast reservoir of compassion needed for transformation. I’m not advocating that suffering is the only way to become enlightened. But, sorrow is an opportunity to practice mastering the art of self-love.  Most people have become habituated to the distorted reflection of their culture. They have been habituated to lovelessness. Unfortunately, you don’t have to look far to realize that many people hate themselves. One way to overcome self-hatred is to follow your passions.

Start doing something that you love; get creative.

Everyone can be creative. When something comes out of you joyfully, you grow, because whatever you create becomes divine. It doesn’t matter who you are, if you love what you do, your passion will flower into creating. When we are creative we are in the mysterious. The key is to surrender to God, who gives life to all things: form and structure come out of God. What is essential is to be open to what is asking to be expressed through you. True creativity rises out of the ashes from a union with your divine. Then it’s a joy for the creator and a gift to others.

Free people, don’t merely cast off their chains, they must live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others.

The global elitist tyrants have lied to the entire world; there’s little debate about that. The unknown number of lives lost and countless more whose livelihoods were disrupted demand that if the cause of the virus was intentional, someone needs to pay. The cause of the massive cover-up of what happened in 2019, 2020, and 2021 led to death, destruction, economic collapse, stolen elections, and a whole generation of children and youth harmed for life. The most egregious crimes against humanity are against our children and youth today and the elderly that were not protected. Those responsible need to pay. There are no words to express the sorrow of the broken culture that children and youth are growing up in. Henry Ward Beecher said, “Sorrow makes men sincere.” Yes, it is sometimes sorrow that arouses us to be courageous or crippled.

All elected and appointed officials in this country at local, state, and national levels, who swore oaths to protect the Constitution of the United States, must stand up and speak out or be removed.

Maybe you’re thinking that we just want to move forward. But the trouble is that those who could have prompted, promoted, or hid potential remedies for COVID, are responsible for many deaths. Moreover, the lies and coverups contain an element of massive self-interest. For example, Fauci lied to Congress about funneling taxpayer dollars to the Wuhan lab to help research this COVID bioweapon. Why hasn’t he been arrested? We want to know why medicines were banned that have been found to give patients a 200% increased chance of survival and even to prevent it. We need to know why a corrupt Governor who murdered millions of seniors, is not locked behind bars for failing to protect the most vulnerable Americans. If someone lets people die for personal or political gain, that has to come to light, or the next person will let more people die.

We know that people will do as much as we let them get away with; look at history.

If we cannot learn from history we are doomed to repeat it. The Holocaust happened because people complied with a new system of prejudice and eugenics. If you do not stand against censorship that enables coercive or mandatory medicine, you open the door to a new system of prejudice and eugenics: this time on a massive global scale. Rather you decide to take an experimental shot is private business, that is your sovereign choice. We cannot wait for others to take a stand on this. We are in a war to protect the world as we know it.

We all need to take a peaceful powerful stand to protect liberty and freedom for all of the world.

Whatever you choose, make sure you aren’t making a choice based on fear. Change is not always easy, but human freedom as a God-given right is worth fighting for. What’s culturally acceptable is shaped by our individual and collective actions. Censorship and all human rights issues aren’t going away unless people are willing to stand up for the Constitution of the United States.

If something is unjust and wrong, it must be challenged.

We the people are strong in heart, and we have strength in our numbers. Say NO to the lies, censorship, discrimination based on vaccination status (vaccine passports), and the reversal of “my body, my choice.” Say NO to eugenics. Your children and grand children are exacting the price of your not standing up and speaking out.

Today, there is no greater service than protecting the most important of all rights: the first amendment.

Oppression, not caring for what happens to other humans or other cultures; looking away and not showing up when the worst was happening to others; will be great cause for sorrow. We know that Fauci and many other tyrants are liars and murderers. The history of COVID patents confirms the heinous premeditated acts of violence against humanity. 

As Alessandro Solzhenitsyn said, “A simple step of a courageous individual is not to take part in a lie. One word of truth outweighs the world.” George Washington told us, “Truth will ultimately prevail where there is pains to bring it to light.” Without touching the truth in your heart, collective transformation is not possible. Greatness only happens when you follow the truth; only then are you capable of stepping outside of complicity and into the power of compassion. A lie can never be truth. Truth is the antidote to cowardice.


The story is recounted in all four gospels of the Bible: Matthew 26:69–74, Mark 14:66–72, Luke 22:55–62, and John 18:15–18, 25–27

Public Health Service Act, Pub. L. No. 104-321; Codified at 42 U.S.C. § 247d.

Dr. Fauci was appointed Director of NIAID in 1984. He oversees an extensive research portfolio of basic and applied research to prevent, diagnose, and treat established infectious diseases.

There is not one peer reviewed scientific study that verifies Fauci’s claim that masks prevent the spread of COVID. There are countless peer reviewed studies that verify the  short and long-term physical, mental, emotional and social harm that is inflicted on humanity because of his malice and incompetence.

28 U. S. C. § 453

The EPOCH TIMES. Dept of Justice Declares COVIS19 Vaccine Mandates Legal. Reader.epoch.cloud. July 28, 2021.


The Authentic Self: True Success for Spiritual Leaders


The Nuremberg Code, and The Revised Hippocratic Oath