Tarasa’s Blog
Receive my Blog articles to grow your community, collaborate with enlightened world leaders, and co-create a compassionate World Soul.
I will share my insights to support you creatively and simply “Leading With Multidimensional Consciousness” to heal the Earth and humanity by creating a compassionate world community rooted in unity consciousness.
Leading From Truth Requires Great Courage
Sometimes to fully understand a phenomenon like courage, we have to examine what it means not to have it. So, I am going to tell a story of a famous leader, named Peter, who lacked courage.
The story begins when Jesus is celebrating his last Passover meal with the apostles. He predicted, “You will all fall away because of me this night. For it is written, ‘I will strike the shepherd, and the sheep of the flock will be scattered.” Additionally, he told Peter that
Expressing Gratitude and Envisioning the Present
Sitting in front of the fireplace, sipping hot chocolate, I find myself creating space for infinite possibilities to move towards beauty, consciousness and compassion in 2021. To begin, I participate in a “give-a-way.” You might want to consider practicing this too? This ritual has developed into a ceremony for me.…