The Phoenix: You are Perfect Just as You Are
“The vision created from truth is the heart’s desire to walk in beauty.”
We know that the Phoenix was the incredible beautiful mythical bird that ended the cycle of its life, and then it rose from the ashes. Recently, a dear friend of mine transitioned; she worked hard and many souls experienced her love. My daughter was able to reach her dreams because of the trust, compassion, and generosity of this beautiful soul. Yet she died a wounded healer. When dying, she said to me, “I don’t know why I was never enough?” I told her, “You don’t need to be fixed, you are perfect just as you are.”
From my experiences, I learned that we don’t start living until we realize that we don’t need to be fixed. There is wisdom shared by many Masters, that we live free lives when we live like today is the last day of our lives. Sometimes people can’t live as if today is the last day of their lives; even when it is.
So often, we hold onto old beliefs that never actually served us in the first place. Perhaps this is a major reason that so many live as though they are dead in the first place. And sometimes like my dear friend, we aren’t living like we are dead except to ourselves. How does this happen, that one can’t glimpse their beauty? My friend died angry. She could never embrace her anger; it possessed her and permeated the cells in her body until the cancer took her last breath.
In life, we find that the journey we are on changes many times and can include many shifts in perception.
The vision created from truth is the heart’s desire to walk in beauty. Then we go to the other side knowing that we always did our best. A vision created from the need to control others or from greed is based on lies about the natural order of creation. A vision of the sacred path is always clear.
Every aspect of life and every state of awareness is accessible to those who seek the serenity of the Silence. I’ve personally been on many vision quests seeking serenity. Once the natural balance has been achieved within the Self, a vision quest is no longer necessary. The original purpose of a Vision Quest is to assist the seeker in finding a way to contact her state of inner-knowing, so truth will be present in the soul every moment. Learning how to quiet the mind at will, is a skill that comes through working with the Self. The more a person is connected to Mother Earth and Great Spirit, the easier the balance becomes.
Each person every day lives a vision quest, the key is to be aware of it. Another key is to honor both sides of your nature, male and female, and to acknowledge the Eternal Flame of Divine Love that lives inside of you. How you influence the lives of others depends on this balance. Seeking your answers is the path. Trusting your feelings and following them with action will lead you to find your truth. In seeking, be willing to accept and recognize the truth when it comes to you. There is a lesson my Great-Grandmother, Abigail taught me.
When I was about ten, she took me to the pond on the farm. She handed me a stone and told me to throw it into the water. She told me to observe the ripples created by the stone in the water. And then she asked me to think of myself as the Stone Person. “You may create circles in your life, but the circles that come from those ripples will disturb the peace of your fellow creatures,” she said. “Remember that you are responsible for what you put in your circle and that your circle will also touch many other circles. You will need to live in a way that allows the good from your circle to send the peace of that goodness to others. The splash from anger, hatred, or jealousy will send those ugly feelings to other circles. You are responsible for both.”
Even at ten years old, I realized that each person creates the inner peace or discord that flows into the world. We can’t create inner peace if we are riddled with outer conflicts, hatred, doubt, or anger. We radiate the feelings and thoughts that we hold inside, whether we speak them or not. Whatever conflict resides within courses out into the world, creating beauty or discord with all other circles of life.