Tarasa’s Blog

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I will share my insights to support you creatively and simply “Leading With Multidimensional Consciousness” to heal the Earth and humanity by creating a compassionate world community rooted in unity consciousness.

The Alchemy of Transformation
Tarasa Lovick Tarasa Lovick

The Alchemy of Transformation

Alchemy is about integration. You must look inside to heal the inner conflict—the duality. You do this by strengthening the opposites; where the two become one. If you strengthen the bridge between the two; alchemy happens, you become integrated. The alchemist is the bridge between the worlds. You must bring all of you into your body; you must embody opposites. This is the reason opposites are attracted to each other; so they can reflect to the other what needs to be experienced—integrated.

When you drop the “what-if” activity of your mind by opening your heart, you allow your true self to expand. You must let it go of the past with detachment and say, “Yes,” to the process.

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The Gift of Change
Janet Hutchens Janet Hutchens

The Gift of Change

When I introduced myself to you I shared experiences where I was called to be a change agent. Change agents teach that everything has its price. You must choose between something you are comfortable with and something you want to have. Now, with COVID-19 humanity is being given the opportunity to be change agents. Creativity is our secret weapon to…

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