We the People…
“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”
—The First Amendment, United States Constitution
Thomas Jefferson said, “When the government fears the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny.” The censorship by US Congress, State Legislatures, the Department of Justice, Big Tech (Google, Amazon, Twitter, Facebook, IBM, Apple, and others), and Big Pharma of President Donald J. Trump, Parler, and 80 plus million Americans by trying to strong-arm them into submission is profoundly immoral. The collective complicit behavior to censor anyone who questions the 2020 elections takes away the illusion of “We the people.” It’s time to recognize that “We the people,” (WE) who believe in God, believe in the goodness of man, and believe in the US Constitution, refuse to be silent. Tranny doesn’t end when WE comply; it gets worse. The key is seeking the truth and taking peaceful action to protect our rights.
Censorship is not humane.
The preamble of the Constitution of the United States starts with these critical words, “We the people…” I believe that the drafters of this document specifically use these words to show that the people of the United States had the most power, and it is, therefore, the people’s document. In other words, all US citizens have the same rights and powers as anyone else. The aim was to create a government that could oversee the US people nationally without holding so much power that it would put citizens’ fundamental rights at risk.
Censorship puts ”We the People…” at fundamental risk.
The Constitution can only gain sovereignty from the people of the United States of America. Therefore, it is “We the people” of the US that will elect the representatives and leaders, and that should have the most power. The caveat is that this can only occur if the elections are not fraught with corruption and fraud. When election fraud occurs, WE have lost our power. This is exasperated when it is combined with censorship that lacks justice. For those who do not understand what is occurring, the issue is that the 2020 election for the President of the US of America was corrupt. The facts: massive sworn affidavits and evidence prove this beyond doubt. Do your own research, and you will discover the wisdom in at least letting the evidence be presented. The constitutional laws written to protect “We the people” are being silenced via boundless censorship. Sound judgment must conclude that the only reason politicians, judges, mainstream media, Big Tech, Big Pharma, or anyone would fear following the US Constitution is that they are hiding behavior(s) that explicitly violate the laws of the US Constitution.
The truth will set you free.
Censorship is the suppression of speech or other information because such material is considered objectionable, harmful, sensitive, or "problematic." On November 3, 2020, it was problematic for the democratic party presidential candidate that he lost by a landslide to President Donald J. Trump. The only way the democratic party could deal with this problematic situation was to involve foreign governments. Some reports say as many as 65 countries were involved in the election fraud, including Switzerland, China, Italy, Germany, and Venezuela. Communist and Nazi tactics like censorship, and other brain-washing techniques, such as the projection of profound immorality onto others, are being utilized. It is deeply problematic that the State Legislatures, US Congress, and the DOJ are complicit and are not doing the jobs that they were sworn to do, which is to uphold the Constitution of the US.
Absolute power corrupts absolutely.
Some people, such as the speaker of the house and many others from both parties, are driven by pathological hatred. Hate propagates hate. These elected people think they are above the laws of the US Constitution. This is witnessed by the vote to impeach President Donald J. Trump on January 6, 2021, for insurrection without any evidence; not to mention, constitutional experts declare that at least six laws have been violated so far. Constantly spinning a story that something or someone is a threat without evidence lacks sound judgment. The spin that our president is a threat has been used to justify censoring him. President Donald J. Trump is the least violent President the United States has ever known: for the second time, he’s being considered for the Nobel Peace Prize. The point of the ‘insurrection’ hoax was to shut down discussion of election fraud.
Meanwhile, since Jan. 6, 2021, everyone has had the opportunity to discover that Antifa and Black Lives Matter (meaning the BLM leaders aligned with Antifa terrorists, not the truth of the principles that all lives matter) were behind the US Capital violence, and not President Donald J. Trump. Moreover, the House Speaker and others knew the dangers and did NOTHING to prevent it. The scary part is that this unbridled hatred seems to cloud people’s judgment. Here’s the thing: if these illegal reactions become the norm, then those in high political positions can perpetuate violence against anyone they disagree with—no discourse.
Can we impeach George Washington or Thomas Jefferson, who owned slaves? Or what about Obama, whose poor judgment and failure of leadership lacked common sense regarding American citizens in Benghazi? It’s etched in the minds of “We the people” how former Secretary of State Clinton told us, “What difference does it make!?” (Clinton was referring to the deaths of American citizens, who died because their lives did not matter to her.) Don’t be deceived. Impeaching President Donald J. Trump was a political move rooted in profound hatred. He violated no law.
Americans and world citizens should be concerned. Let me give you one reason: At least 80 million American citizens voted for President Donald J. Trump. All of the legal votes have NOT been counted yet, and the votes that are not legal for Biden haven’t been subtracted yet.
As citizens of a free country, we must remember that great discourse and disagreement have been the roots of awakening humanity.
Some individuals believe that ALL must hold the same beliefs that they do. Not only that, but they also censor those who have different perspectives. A wise leader trusts others to be able to hear all sides and make up their own minds. Furthermore, respect is essential for peace, compassion, and healing—otherwise, there can be no true unity.
Censorship is not new; it occurred as far back as 399 BC when the Greek philosopher Socrates was executed for corrupting minds with his teachings and opinions. Catapult to today, where mainstream media companies are supposed to serve the public interest, at a minimum that would mean acknowledging divergent opinions. We can establish that media company’s private beliefs go against others. For example, Google, Facebook, Apple, and Twitter are at odds with the conglomerate owners who allow expression via traditional media voices. However, it’s not legal for them to censor people and ideologies that are not complicit with theirs. There are countless examples; the list grows exponentially: do your own research. When respectful and complete debate is allowed, good things can come out of it. Sometimes, people may even see the wisdom in changing their thoughts, beliefs, and actions regarding issues and/or people.
WE are intelligent enough to decide whether we support or do not support purchasing items from Amazon, for example.
Bias happens. The countless moral views bring no right answer for what should and should not be censored. What is productive is realizing and taking responsibility for our biases. Only then can we choose to respect another’s viewpoint without feeling threatened. No matter what, we must follow the law, which allows others the right to have divergent opinions. In all honesty, the link between politics and censorship is not hard to recognize. The biased mainstream media has made it glaringly obvious, and it is a reason that millions of American citizens are switching to news sources that are not afraid of honest debate. Still, censorship keeps the news from reaching you. With the explosion of citizen journalism and internet platforms, the truth may be easier to get out. But, as we have seen, these platforms have brought their own challenges in the era of media suppression and censorship, for example, Parler being shut down (they are back up now).
Suppression is not normal.
Censorship is the suppression of free speech. “We the people,” of the United States are given First Amendment rights. No government intervention should exist on a code of ethics or morality. This means that WE as citizens should be allowed complete freedom of our choices. The complicit and overt actions discussed here rise from a view that our national tradition of free expression is no longer a factor and that suppression and censorship are needed to avoid the corruption of morals; in short, WE are being brainwashed into believing that we are not capable of making ethical and moral decisions for ourselves.
The most basic component of freedom of expression is the right to freedom of speech.
The right allows individuals to express themselves without government interference or regulation. The Supreme Court requires the government to provide substantial justification for interfering with the right of free speech when it attempts to regulate the content of the speech. Generally, a person cannot be held criminally or civilly liable for anything written or spoken about a person or topic, so long as it is truthful or based on an honest opinion. I understand that mainstream and social media members don’t have special rights or privileges that are not afforded to “We the people.”
Finally, may your soul be open to the Grace of God, as mainstream media and others project their biased beliefs onto “We the People…” I exhort you to believe in God, in the goodness of man in the world, and in the United States Constitution. Protect the kindness in your heart. Stay firm in your desire for truth. Rest in the grace of God, so when you are needed, you can stand up for your principles with integrity and compassion. WE must continue our mission to insist on our God-given rights to liberty, freedom, and justice for all. Tranny ends when WE seek the truth and take peaceful actions to ensure that our Constitutional rights are protected.