Tarasa’s Blog
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I will share my insights to support you creatively and simply “Leading With Multidimensional Consciousness” to heal the Earth and humanity by creating a compassionate world community rooted in unity consciousness.
The Gift of Inspiration Wakes Us Up
At Mohandas K. Gandhi’s funeral Nehru recognized that, “A glory has departed and the sun that warmed and brightened our lives has set, and we shiver in the cold and dark.” Like Nehru, we are all moved by greatness when we see it, and although the experience is personal, we feel it. When we experience it something in us wakes up, and encounters what was inside us all along. Irrefutably, Gandhi was one of the greatest inspirations ever to walk upon our Earth.
Love is a Choice
Love is often presented as the opposite of fear, or some other negative emotion, but authentic love is not opposite of anything. Authentic love is far more powerful than any negative emotions, as it is the environment in which all things emerge. Negative emotions are like starving piranhas lurking in the dark waters. All things beautiful and fearful, powerful and weak, destructive and creative—come into existence, unfold, and transform within the context of authentic love. At the same time, they are made of the very love in which they swim and can never be separated.
We the People…
The great Thomas Jefferson said, “When the government fears the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny.” The censorship by US Congress, State Legislatures, the Department of Justice (DOJ), and Big Tech (Google, Amazon, Twitter, Facebook, IBM, Apple and others), of President Donald J. Trump, Parler and 80 plus million Americans by trying to strong-arm them into submission is profoundly immoral…