Tarasa’s Blog
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I will share my insights to support you creatively and simply “Leading With Multidimensional Consciousness” to heal the Earth and humanity by creating a compassionate world community rooted in unity consciousness.
The Apple That Eve Bit
The Apple that Eve took the acclaimed bite out of holds the key to the Wisdom of the Cosmos. ‘Eating’ of the LIGHT of this truth or wisdom empowers us. We discover we aren’t a victim of pandemics, or lies of the mainstream media or psychopaths, but rather we are integral parts of nature and we were born to thrive. We have the capacity to move our awareness into greater streams of cosmic consciousness, into our inherent divinity. We are not just physical beings, and we are certainly not victims to those in power within our world who believe that they can control us as they try to undermine our sovereignty. We are not kept small within the matrix of robotically living a linear life as slaves, handing our power and dignity to others. Instead we shift into being creators and designers with and of life itself; we rise to love—Love is sovereign.
Happy People Don’t Judge Others: They Seek Wisdom
One of the biggest obstacles on our paths towards wholeness is being judgmental. Why is it an obstacle? When we are unaware of our judgmental attitude, we suffer and we cause pain to others: we become angry, hateful, defensive, anxious, and isolated. A judgmental attitude not only alienates us from others, but