Leading From Truth Requires Great Courage


Part 1

“Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen.”

—Winston Churchill

There is a movement in the United States called critical race theory (CRT), which evolved from the New York Times 1619 Project. It has infiltrated education in the United States. Ultimately, CRT divides and dehumanizes humanity by classifying humans by where they fit on an oppression scale. The propaganda is about teaching that there are the oppressed and the oppressors, and that the result is creating a hierarchy of suffering. I couldn’t make this up! I remember my daughters describing class activities that asked students to organize themselves into groups according to their rank on various interpersonal and social issues like poverty. Educators ask deeply personal private questions, and then line you up accordingly with peers; to decide where you fit on the hierarchy of the “oppressed.”

CRT may be shocking if you haven’t been paying attention. 

For example, it teaches that you learn compassion by being exposed to constant repetitive heinous violence: THIS IS A LIE. The empirical data is conclusive: subjection to violence breeds violence, not compassion. As a parent, you will be wise to monitor how video games, social media, literature, movies, television, and curricula bombard your children with unnecessary heinous violence. Proponents of CRT, including educational administrators and teachers, don’t attempt to define compassion. However, their false assumption is that exposure to violence will make you feel grateful for everything you have, that others less fortunate than you, don’t have. While gratitude may be an aspect of compassion, it is not how compassion is learned or experienced.

Ultimately, CRT indoctrination is based on fear, chaos, and hate—not compassion.

Over the years, I have asked several school department chairs, teachers, and administrators to explain the practices of brainwashing our children with CRT. Specifically, I want to understand why educators are not using genuine inquiry, discourse, and balance, as the basis of their teaching principles; these will teach our children to think for themselves. Ultimately, THEY are indignant that you would have the courage to question their authority. Their response is, “How dare you question me!” A high school headmaster recently told parents at a Parent Council meeting, “You have to trust me.” I asked, “But what is the protocol if you are not acting trustworthy?” This “leader” became verbally aggressive. The result is that THEY don’t respond by “speaking up or by listening.” Proponents of CRT believe that they have unilateral rights to indoctrinate our children according to their beliefs. 

Critical race theorists don’t understand that it is OK for them to believe what THEY believe. However, it’s not okay for them to demand that others believe what they do.

In reality, CRT is about creating a global monarchy, where one small group of people control the entire globe and you. They don’t tell you that, you have to observe and think for yourself to discover this truth. A discerning person sees details where others do not. Furthermore, discernment requires you to “see” and not discount what you see, otherwise, your freedom of speech and liberty might be history. As George Washington wisely said, “If the freedom of speech is taken away then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter.” Many people are still not able to think for themselves. Instead, they choose to believe that BIG government, BIG Tech, BIG Pharma, corrupt judges, bureaucrats like Fauci (who are not elected and who don’t have term limits), mainstream media, corrupt medical doctors and scientists. . . and anyone else who is trying to control you (hereafter, THEY), have the best interest of you and humanity at heart. 

The TRUTH is that THEY don’t have your best interest at heart.

It’s significant that without CRT it would not have been possible for the global Wuhan “virus” suicide cult of THEY to produce mass hypnosis combined with a widespread desire for self-obliteration. If you are feeling judgmental, try to understand the phenomenon of mass hypnosis. The truth is that many people, if not most people, would rather die than be rejected by society. You must understand that the fear of public opinion prohibits you from trusting God. Sometimes you will have to walk alone towards the truth, rather than walk with the status quo in the wrong direction. If you doubt this, I ask you to observe how social media is used to shame you and make you hate yourself. Think about how being called, and accepting the label “white privilege” went viral among youth! And how youth bullied those who did not support the terrorist activities of Black Lives Matter. Mass hypnosis has been used for eons to herd humans like sheep. As George Washington warned, if the First Amendment is taken away, we the people, will be led like sheep to the slaughter.

Because of the extreme propaganda narrative for experimental shots by they, weak-willed people have a strong desire to fit in, even if it means destroying themselves in the process; even if the consequences are death to their children. 

What is crucial to understand is that CRT is a fascist movement based on lying to you; it uses race to divide people. The lie is that race is at the heart of everything wrong in the world. Essentially, it’s founded on shaming you because you are “white privilege,” (this is true even if your skin is a different color). Shame is an energetically low vibration, it keeps you in fear and breeds hate.

My wise Native American great-grandmother taught me, “Never let your choices and actions be controlled by fear.” This is why courage is necessary; you must never let the noise of others drown out your courage. In education, CRT via THEY, is based on changing the facts and outright lying to create fear and hate; the goal is to create a narrative that justifies taking away your sovereignty. That’s right, this is a movement that tells you that God does not exist, that the family is not the cornerstone of society, that you are not good enough, and that you are responsible for what your ancestors or others may or may not have done. 

For example, CRT teaches that heroes in the United States were racist, “white supremacists,” because they owned slaves. Therefore, they claim that our wise forefathers MUST be extinguished from our history: CRT advocates for destroying monuments and cultures based on this belief. Furthermore, it holds others to a standard that they do not pass. THEY use this narrow-minded perspective to justify violence and erase our robust history. Erasing history will not change the fact that millions of people from Africa, and other countries all over the globe, willingly come to the United States because of the liberty afforded them in our great country. 

The truth is that since the inception of human civilization slavery existed all over the globe.

In other words, slavery did NOT start with the founding of the Declaration of Independence and the United States Constitution. The important point is that the forefathers of this great country, even though some of them owned slaves, knew that slavery was not moral. Therefore, they worked diligently to end slavery. They created magnificent documents, that would evolve, and assure “We the people,” have the power; and not THEY. The fact that some leaders had slaves, does not mean that they could not realize that they needed to create a country where slavery is abolished: the foundation of the Constitution is, “THAT ALL PEOPLE ARE CREATED EQUAL.” The moral imperative recognizes the goal and works to create a country where all people are free. The 13th Amendment of the Constitution abolished slavery.

Let’s look at the example of Thomas Jefferson because CRT demonizes him. It teaches that not only did Jefferson own slaves, but that he fathered children as a result of rape. We are all appalled at the possibility of rape. All decent humans believe rape is an assault on individual sovereignty—it is never to be condoned. However, CRT doesn’t require you to try to understand the complexity of the decisions that were (or are) being taken into consideration, or to look at the bigger holistic picture of a new country being birthed (giving birth is hard work). I am sure that countless tensions and challenges came into play while working to create a government where liberty for all and not just the few is paramount.

It is significant that for eons, no country has created a government where liberty is a right of every citizen. 

The issue is not if Jefferson raped slaves, it is that CRT focuses on teaching you to hate the whole person, because he may have made mistakes. It would simply be ignorant to judge Jefferson as a “white supremacist” and make all of his magnificent work and genius void and meaningless as a result. The issue is not the entire character and actions of great leaders. It becomes petty trashing of our constitution, in the attempt to take the power away from the people; and put it in the hands of evil people, who hate God—THEY. The reasoning goes something like this: If you hate the founders, then you can hate the Constitution, then you can justify your violent behaviors: lying, suppressing, censoring, controlling, stealing, raping…murdering. They are guilty of all these crimes against humanity. 

Obviously, as an analytical person who looks at all of the evidence, and the big picture; I don’t buy CRT. For starters, I suggest that you read a well-documented book on the life of Thomas Jefferson.* This in-depth historical research discusses, many important relationships, and the complexities of creating the Republic: a nation under God, where all people are free.

The truth is that only God is perfect.

You don’t have to look far to see the corrupt nature of men and women worldwide; leaders using their power indiscriminately and destructively. Look at the rights of women and children, before our constitution matured to begin to deal with the problem of suppression, censorship, and violence against them. The entire world has a long way to go: trafficking children and women is a multi-billion dollar global industry. So, before you get on the bandwagon to cancel culture, look at the United States history that continuously works to live by the edict, “Liberty and justice are for ALL.” 

We do have a need to mature and grow fully into liberty. Perhaps, we could start by making the constitution more verbally inclusive: by adding an amendment that uses terminology that says, “ALL people are created equal.” That would do it. In 1985, “we the people” were not ready to pass the Equal Rights Amendment; maybe now we are.

There is no justification for bigotry, not even identity politics.

CRT does not understand the importance of perspective or discourse. It presents what it wants to create. It propagates lies that will cause you to change your values, so you can be controlled by fear; so you won’t trust God. CRT lacks the depth and breadth to even begin to question and examine other perspectives or to seek truth.

The taproot of CRT is FEAR—not FREEDOM. 

Like with our forefathers who were slave owners, CRT propaganda is taken out of context. This is done so THEY can push the narrative of violent terrorist groups like Antifa and Black Lives Matter. The true goals of CRT are to remove God; delete the Constitution; make the family obsolete; remove the Second Amendment; replace male and female with a person’s gender preference (which has nothing to do with a person’s sexual preference); and keep you afraid. These all thrive especially in schools because of the intense lies and indoctrinations: with CRT there is little common sense, and no critical thinking (you can forget about wisdom together).

If you want to understand the reality of how CRT feeds terrorist groups, I highly suggest that you read Andy Ngo’s book.* Ngo tells the story of this violent anarchist extremist anti-Semitic movement from the very beginning. He includes interviews with former followers of the groups, who've been attacked by them. Moreover, he incorporates stories from his undercover experiences. This book documents the terrorist agenda with impeccable wisdom. Recently, members (and some leaders) in these terrorist groups have started waking up to the reality of the agenda of THEY, who desire to destroy the Constitution of the United States. In other words, THEY don’t care about the United States of America.

As with slavery, history does repeat itself, until great leaders “stand up and speak, and sit down and listen.” Yes, we can learn from history, but it requires authentic, courageous, open honest discourse; not suppression, censorship, and violence. 

I exhort you along with Saint Francis de Sales, “Be patient with everyone, but above all with yourself. Do not be disheartened by your imperfections, but always rise with fresh courage. How are we to be patient in dealing with our neighbor's faults if we are impatient in dealing with our own? He who is fretted by his own failings will not correct them. All profitable correction comes from a calm and peaceful mind.

*Ellis, Joseph J. “American Sphinx: The Character of Thomas Jefferson.” Vintage Books, NY: 1998.

*Ngo, Andy. “Unmasked: Inside Antifia’s Radical Plan to Destroy Democracy.” Center Street, NY: 2021.


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