
Waking Up the World

to Shift into Higher Levels of Consciousness, Compassion & Oneness

Introducing My Newest Book…

I Thought The Shame Would Kill Me
But Grace Set Me Free

In this collection of poems, Tarasa captures the beauty that lives inside the heart of every person seeking inner truth.

“Tarasa weaves words together like a fine thread, formulating exceptional ideas. Her voice is pronounced and consistent, which is vital in any celebrated literary piece. These are the qualities that set her apart from all other writers.”


Where personal growth and world leaders serve the Soul of the World.

I extend a warm welcome to you. As an alchemist for spiritual awakening my work is inspiring enlightened world leaders in the highest service of humanity. In these extraordinary times, Taproot Healing Institute advances conscious and compassionate world leadership by cultivating deep multidimensional growth in the individual and in the world.

May you be empowered to love yourself, your “enemies,” and God on your personal journey towards self knowledge; trusting in your own power to create miracles. As you live from your heart center, you will experience the alchemy and magic of love, gratitude, and compassion. From these we can create a world where all people can live in freedom, peace, and enlightenment.

Thank you for visiting this site. Namaste.

Love, light & truth,
Rev. Dr. Tarasa B. Lovick
Global Spiritual Alchemist. Speaker. Author

Rev. Dr. Tarasa B. Lovick



“When we see that resistance to changing ourselves
makes it impossible to change the world, it is an awakening.”


Our Vision & Mission

Tarasa’s vision and mission is to create a compassionate world community rooted in unity consciousness.

This vision is based on the assumption that to become enlightened world leaders we need to focus on developing compassion. To this end we are engaged in an on-going personal and collective journey that involves becoming more aware of ourselves and the world we live in—or more simply, “waking up.”

This process of waking up is supported by the deliberate effort to examine ourselves and our actions with the intention of becoming conscious of who we really are—divine beings, radically accepting ourselves with kindness—as God does. The long-term solution to your difficulties is to go inside and let go of the part of you that resist reality. All that is needed is awareness.

“Waking up” is the process of re-discovering your wholeness by learning to live from a multidimensional unity consciousness.

As we wake up, we impact the beautiful "reset" that is transpiring on Earth. We must choose to work consciously as conduits of love to anchor this energy through our physical bodies into this dimension of reality. This is unity consciousness coming into our awareness and reality in a whole new higher way. Where we birth a new world experience, where all people can learn to live together in total support and harmony—finding their place in the world and honor it as well as honor everyone else. A world where there are no lies and nothing to hide.

“Waking up” is raising your energetic vibration or frequency, standing in your power and radiating light.

Each time you raise your consciousness, you raise the consciousness on the planet and create the opportunity for all of humanity to step into the Light. In the end, all things go towards the Light. By experiencing the Light, the love of God, and the connection that we all share, we create the change we want to see in the world.


“It is we who will nourish the soul of the world, and the world we live in will be either better or worse, depending on whether we love or not.”









ONE Retreats


Speaking Engagements


Master Classes

Intentions & Assumptions

Taproot Healing Institute was founded with the intention of providing a safe nurturing environment for all who desire to take responsibility for being supported on their journey to awaken to the love that they are. It is an institute for awakening, that honors and serves humanity evolving into higher states of multidimensional conscious awareness and understanding—enlightenment.

We believe creating peaceful loving human beings is the root to fostering connectedness, which is the natural state of being that ends suffering. Taproot embraces all emerging and existing spiritual world leaders who intend and to realize their true divine calling to serve humanity’s ascension into the 5th dimension. Taproot believes that all suffering can be transcended, and that experiencing bliss and joy depends on the willingness to surrender all to God, no matter what.

On our individual and collective journey’s of awakening, we believe that all sorrows and wounds that are fully experienced, regardless of how horrific, are healed only when touched by compassion.

Taproot Healing Institute assumes that:

  • Real love, joy, peace and happiness are part of your natural state

  • The function of healing is to restore harmony and balance

  • Unity of self through harmony and balance brings about transformation giving individuals, and the world access to common sense and wisdom

  • All people have innate health, and have access to common sense and wisdom when they are at peace

  • Individuals and the world thrive when compassionate connection with the self and all of creation is experienced

  • We are divine beings in a divine world—our own heart is the temple

  • Compassion is essential for the survival of humanity and Earth


“Thinking positively and putting ourselves to a “higher-vibrational emotional state can be
incredibly disempowering if we are denying ourselves our authentic truth.”