The Apple that Eve took the acclaimed bite out of holds the key to the Wisdom of the Cosmos. ‘Eating’ of the LIGHT of this truth or wisdom empowers us. We discover we aren’t a victim of pandemics, or lies of the mainstream media or psychopaths, but rather we are integral parts of nature and we were born to thrive. We have the capacity to move our awareness into greater streams of cosmic consciousness, into our inherent divinity.  We are not just physical beings, and we are certainly not victims to those in power within our world who believe that they can control us as they try to undermine our sovereignty. We are not kept small within the matrix of robotically living a linear life as slaves, handing our power and dignity to others. Instead we shift into being creators and designers with and of life itself; we rise to love—Love is sovereign.

We are no longer limited to the physical construct of our senses, instead we engage with our greater cosmic senses as multi-dimensional beings. We expand our hearts, into a field of LOVE. As our Hearts open we have the capacity to move into a great cosmic dance of LOVE.

As more of us let go of the dogma that we inherited, and befriend the cognitive dissonance that ensues, choosing to eat with Eve from the apple of Life, we will discover our divinity. There is a sacred intelligence that permeates every particle of nature, and every thread woven into the fabric of life is integral to the expansion of the greater whole. Everything is essential within you and within the collective consciousness. Nature is pure. Everything strives to support integration towards wholeness/holiness. The structures of man-made control that are being created in the shadows, pale in significance when we awaken to and harness the sheer ecstatic states of our Mother the Earth, the innate feminine power, and our greater capacity as beings within a quantum holographic universe.

Humanity is at important points of light in the darkness within our collective consciousness. Those who are already awakened have stopped being slaves. Instead we are rising up as sovereign beings of love, taking full responsibility for our lives, and cultivating a loving world through our heart-minds. 

The Apple of Life has always been within you. Now is the time for you to give permission to yourself to eat from it. To cultivate an environment within your psyche that enables your roots to tap deep into the Earth, and her branches to become tuning forks that receive cosmic intelligence. As our hearts open and flower, and we experience ourselves as instruments of the Divine, we can no longer be controlled by fear, as fear no longer becomes a construct of limitation or separation within our world view of commUNITY.

The paradigm our world propagates, that we have to be protected from nature, and we must do everything in our power to protect ourselves from it—is a LIE. For example, look at germ theory, it’s the foundation for the pharmaceutical industry that says man must control, obliterate nature—that LIE gave birth to allopathic medicine. In fact, it is the exclusive story told, censoring others such as terrain theory, which made it possible for politicians, bureaucrats, big tech, and pharmaceutical companies to create the plandemic.

This one story is even spilled over into ‘spiritual circles’ where people approach life by protecting themselves from dark energy that lurks in the world.  And to some extent this works; you can inhibit the penetration of lower vibrations, BUT in doing so, you also inhibit both the penetration of LOVE to flow in and the flow of LOVE out. Armoring for war energetically creates a false promise of safety, for in the long term you end up living in a lonely prison of your own making. Quarantine anyone?

We are creatures of connection. There is no running or hiding from what we are all inherently a part of, because this FEAR ultimately limits the ecstatic bliss of truly living with Divinity.

The awakened one can be free to challenge obsolete fearful beliefs. When we courageously choose to step into the LIGHT of our truest natures, then there is nothing to fear. Your spiritual vitality emits the highest frequencies of well-being in a sacred mutually beneficial dance with the natural world. You radiate the love that flows through you, that keeps you in harmonic vitality with nature. You discover that natures heart is set on YOU thriving.

You must remember to embrace your own sovereignty.

We need not choose a side, but rather listen and embody the wisdom of both sides. This will allow you to then share your heart from a place of unified wisdom. This vision can be viewed in two ways. First, we can hand our authority over to someone else, and have them give us the key to our freedoms at their own will, knowing full well that often that key is that you will be controlled. It’s certainly an option, but it doesn’t help you discover the love that you are, or to experience your sovereignty.

We can see that those that are awake open their hearts and share a message of love; and those that are asleep close their hearts. Those with an open heart discover that the key to their freedoms has never been outside of themselves, it has always existed within their Hearts. The key to unlocking the mysteries of life exists with you: YOU are the one that you have been waiting for!

Remember we do not need to choose a side, but rather listen and embody the wisdom of both sides, and then share our hearts from this place of unified wisdom.

I don’t consider dark shadows as being a ‘bad’ vibration, but rather a sacred polarity that offers a contrast to the present moment. It is through awakening that you integrate the two halves of the whole, to ultimately serve unification with life. Here are a few of the shadows that may be a bridge to YOU on your journey to experience wholeness/holiness.


The urge to make things happen can be so great, that an egoic desire can arise within you that wants everything to happen NOW. This could lead to feelings of being frustrated, discouraged, or disheartened because things are moving too slow for you. At best this could simply be annoying, at worst this could lead you down a dark path of anger or vengeful rage with those trying to take authority over your life. Let us remember that Nature moves in cycles, and everything has a sacred rhythm. Whilst your desire to grow, evolve and take action, remember to move in the direction of Universal Flow. Let your change be the consistent template of your life, the rhythm of your life. 

Cultural Conditioning

Afraid to step into the direction your soul directs, you will not be free to discover greater possibilities to live in sovereignty. When you are stuck in what others tell you, you are not free to push the boundaries. The thing that will keep you from flying is fear; fear of the unknown, moving out of your comfort zone, and of death. Confining yourself to the safety of your habits, only creates the cage that keeps you in prison. Take that leap out of your conditioning and discover the TRUTH of who YOU are—all of you, especially your shadow. What you may discover is that, there is not even a cage—it’s an illusion. You can simply choose to freely fly.


The desire to change, grow and expand can be so great, that the ‘high’ of ascension could lure you into an addictive trap. When addiction sets in, rigid desires are so intense, that you have forgotten the importance of the ‘journey’. Ascension is not about trampling over others to get somewhere. Expansion is about compassionately flowing in the growth and awareness of your own and others evolving stories. Closing yourself off to those that don’t see the LIGHT of this moment as you do, in order to achieve an end goal, only serves to limit personal and collective awakening. Flow engages and inspires others to experience their LIGHT and move in the direction of LOVE.  


You must understand that the unawakened can’t hear or understand LOVE: PRAY and LET GO. You have family, friends, neighbors, colleagues … that are trapped in the LIE of separation and fear. Of course you want them to see the LIGHT. You must know that screaming matches or ending a relationship will not help them to wake up. You must show them who they are. Change happens from the inside-out, not from the outside-in. When YOU are a beacon of light in how you live your life through joy, happiness, purpose and fearlessness, you become a magnet to others. You ignite a spark from within peoples hearts where they discover themselves. Honestly, you must drop the need to control the awakening of others. Love is not controlling, love moves you into the consciousness of compassion. It frees you to allow others the opportunity to create their own life; it is the most LOVING response.

YOU have been given the right to freely engage with God. You do not have to hide the truth of who you are for any reason: fitting in, or making others feel more comfortable. When you choose freedom, you help others discover their own freedom—which resides in every single persons heart. 

Your luminosity invites people to discover the truth that resides within them.

People will hear the call of nature, the call to come together in their commUNITY in LOVE. Human souls and the world soul will wake up and recognize that we are all connected. We are one: when a soul discovers UNITY, violence is no longer an option. At the same time those that choose prison will continue to engage in war. However, hate and fear vibrations will simply evaporate for those that choose the path of Love.  

Choose to flow in the direction of your hearts curiosity and leading.

Everything is up for transformation. Don’t anchor yourself into fixed conclusions, or dim your LIGHT or delude yourself that every area of your life has to be all figured out—IT DOESN’T. Discover the higher truth of giving yourself space to experience your full luminous DIVINE self. Discover the FREEDOM that enables you to expand and ultimately serve something much greater than yourself, the light of an enduring LOVE of the Divine.


You are the One


“My Sweet Lord”